Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thanks, Jesus!

Today I was trying to find the words to express how I was feeling. I am a follower if Jesus. I surrendered my life to His will 
Many years ago. I am realizing and recognizing how awesome it is to be a child of God. I am apart of this family that loves unconditionally. I am adopted and made an heir if the King of the universe. I'm sure there are those who just don't what I'm talking about, but please try and see what I'm trying to say. We can know the very creator of our existence. We can be apart of what he is doing. So, that being said... Thank you Jesus for calling me to be your very own. I know I am loved and and accepted in to the very family of God, the greatest family to ever exist. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Looking for an answer?

I am reading Jeremiah 33. I noticed that we can call out to God. He says that He will answer. Are we calling out to God? Calling out for His will to be done? Calling out to guide us through this life? I too often call out to God for my will and my want. I'm am calling out right now for God to be Lord of this life and to lead me in His will. To get myself out of the way and let Him be who He says He is. I believe that is what we need to call out. His strength is perfect His ways are good. He will show us so much more than we can ever imagine. That's part of being a part of the very body of Christ. Glory to His name!!! Amen!!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Do We Really Know Our History?

I have posed this question for a couple of reasons.  I remember back in college taking old and new testament as well as a course called christian doctrine.  I honestly cannot remember much from any of those classes and well, that's sad.  I can remember as a child learning the stories of the bible through the felt board.  I spend my time in VBS (mostly against my will).  Anyway, I have to wonder; as Christians; if we really know our story.  Where we came from, what we are really about etc...  I know I can Google the origins of Christianity and find. You will get over 14 million hits and believe me they are not always friendly towards the one we call savior.  I really think its high time we who claim to follow Jesus get to know Him and understand why we believe what we believe.  Why we do what we do and discerning fact from fiction.  I'll share a few links and help you.  I know that I am continuing to learn more and more about what I claim to know as truth and am excited to keep working out my salvation with fear and trembling.  More to come....

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Being the Body

Today I being this new blog about being the body of Christ.  If you are here, you are probably checking out what I might have to say about this particular subject.  I want you to know that I am learning myself about this and will post ideas, thoughts and suggestions on how you and I can be the body of Christ in the here and now.  I will be sharing ideas I have found and read about.  I'm sure that you will find this to be very interesting and thought provoking.  With that being said, I'll point you to a few links to start with that might help you get and idea of what "church" is.