Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Do We Really Know Our History?

I have posed this question for a couple of reasons.  I remember back in college taking old and new testament as well as a course called christian doctrine.  I honestly cannot remember much from any of those classes and well, that's sad.  I can remember as a child learning the stories of the bible through the felt board.  I spend my time in VBS (mostly against my will).  Anyway, I have to wonder; as Christians; if we really know our story.  Where we came from, what we are really about etc...  I know I can Google the origins of Christianity and find. You will get over 14 million hits and believe me they are not always friendly towards the one we call savior.  I really think its high time we who claim to follow Jesus get to know Him and understand why we believe what we believe.  Why we do what we do and discerning fact from fiction.  I'll share a few links and help you.  I know that I am continuing to learn more and more about what I claim to know as truth and am excited to keep working out my salvation with fear and trembling.  More to come....


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