Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer's End

It's August and the summer is almost gone!  I know for some that means kids going back to school as well as teachers.  I'm a teacher, so I understand the whole getting back into the swing of things.  Not that I am ever ready to go back.  I know though, that once I am back, that I'm ready to go. It sort of reminds me of the scripture of being ready in and out of season to preach the gospel.  2 Timothy 4:2 says..."preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching."  I have to see whatever I'm doing in my life as being ready and prepared.  I know that whoever I meet or hangout with, I have to be ready to share who's I am.  That means I need to be hungry for the word of God and searching out the scriptures for what God needs me to learn and share.  I cannot be content in my walk or faith.  I cannot believe that I have somehow arrived.  I am far from it and would never claim such.  I like how as a teacher, I know how to teach. Of course, every year, I attend training's and meetings to become even better at my job.  If I just try to rely only on what I know, I'll get stuck and find myself getting frustrated over time.  I have to continue to learn and be teachable.  Christ keeps asking me to be teachable and moldable so that I can show others around me what He is doing.  We never stop learning! So, here's to a new school year and another day as I allow Christ to teach me the next step and to be ready for what He has!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Truth

Today I have been thinking about how I view truth. What is truth? Is it something I can verify? Can I proclaim it? Well, the fact of the matter is, truth is not on based on how I feel or even what I believe.  I have read and have listened to many people who are better at explaining this concept. Now, based on what I can observe; There is definitely right and wrong. But, where did that come from? I attribute this to our Creator; that is... God! I do accept the testimony of Him and subscribe to the teachings found in His revelation; which is the bible. In doing that, I have come to believe and place my faith in Christ. Without going into great detail, both the old and New Testaments reveal the triune God. I have surrendered my life to His lordship and worship Him in and through my whole life. I believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.. He lived, he died for our wrongs, He resurrected on the third day and is currently at the right hand if the Father. I have hope in this life and the one to come after due to this truth. Hope is only found in Christ! Jesus is the way, the TRUTH, and the life. I cannot have hope with out this fact. I cannot deny this nor can I be silent about what I have accepted as truth. It doesn't even matter what I think on this matter, He has revealed Himself and continues to do so. We as humans can accept so many things as being true, but are quick to dismiss the truth before us in Christ Jesus. I look and see His revelation that is around me every day. Scripture only confirms what is revealed. History has documented the man Jesus. The evidence is clear that he existed and lived. That he was crucified and buried. Then comes the the empty tomb. This is Truth. No other major world religion can claim a resurrected Savior, Period!!! I like what the apostle Paul states about this gospel...  “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.”
1 Corinthians 15:14 ESV
I will not deny Christ! I will continue to proclaim His gospel; that is the TRUTH!!!