Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer's End

It's August and the summer is almost gone!  I know for some that means kids going back to school as well as teachers.  I'm a teacher, so I understand the whole getting back into the swing of things.  Not that I am ever ready to go back.  I know though, that once I am back, that I'm ready to go. It sort of reminds me of the scripture of being ready in and out of season to preach the gospel.  2 Timothy 4:2 says..."preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching."  I have to see whatever I'm doing in my life as being ready and prepared.  I know that whoever I meet or hangout with, I have to be ready to share who's I am.  That means I need to be hungry for the word of God and searching out the scriptures for what God needs me to learn and share.  I cannot be content in my walk or faith.  I cannot believe that I have somehow arrived.  I am far from it and would never claim such.  I like how as a teacher, I know how to teach. Of course, every year, I attend training's and meetings to become even better at my job.  If I just try to rely only on what I know, I'll get stuck and find myself getting frustrated over time.  I have to continue to learn and be teachable.  Christ keeps asking me to be teachable and moldable so that I can show others around me what He is doing.  We never stop learning! So, here's to a new school year and another day as I allow Christ to teach me the next step and to be ready for what He has!!!

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