Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer's End

It's August and the summer is almost gone!  I know for some that means kids going back to school as well as teachers.  I'm a teacher, so I understand the whole getting back into the swing of things.  Not that I am ever ready to go back.  I know though, that once I am back, that I'm ready to go. It sort of reminds me of the scripture of being ready in and out of season to preach the gospel.  2 Timothy 4:2 says..."preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching."  I have to see whatever I'm doing in my life as being ready and prepared.  I know that whoever I meet or hangout with, I have to be ready to share who's I am.  That means I need to be hungry for the word of God and searching out the scriptures for what God needs me to learn and share.  I cannot be content in my walk or faith.  I cannot believe that I have somehow arrived.  I am far from it and would never claim such.  I like how as a teacher, I know how to teach. Of course, every year, I attend training's and meetings to become even better at my job.  If I just try to rely only on what I know, I'll get stuck and find myself getting frustrated over time.  I have to continue to learn and be teachable.  Christ keeps asking me to be teachable and moldable so that I can show others around me what He is doing.  We never stop learning! So, here's to a new school year and another day as I allow Christ to teach me the next step and to be ready for what He has!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Truth

Today I have been thinking about how I view truth. What is truth? Is it something I can verify? Can I proclaim it? Well, the fact of the matter is, truth is not on based on how I feel or even what I believe.  I have read and have listened to many people who are better at explaining this concept. Now, based on what I can observe; There is definitely right and wrong. But, where did that come from? I attribute this to our Creator; that is... God! I do accept the testimony of Him and subscribe to the teachings found in His revelation; which is the bible. In doing that, I have come to believe and place my faith in Christ. Without going into great detail, both the old and New Testaments reveal the triune God. I have surrendered my life to His lordship and worship Him in and through my whole life. I believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.. He lived, he died for our wrongs, He resurrected on the third day and is currently at the right hand if the Father. I have hope in this life and the one to come after due to this truth. Hope is only found in Christ! Jesus is the way, the TRUTH, and the life. I cannot have hope with out this fact. I cannot deny this nor can I be silent about what I have accepted as truth. It doesn't even matter what I think on this matter, He has revealed Himself and continues to do so. We as humans can accept so many things as being true, but are quick to dismiss the truth before us in Christ Jesus. I look and see His revelation that is around me every day. Scripture only confirms what is revealed. History has documented the man Jesus. The evidence is clear that he existed and lived. That he was crucified and buried. Then comes the the empty tomb. This is Truth. No other major world religion can claim a resurrected Savior, Period!!! I like what the apostle Paul states about this gospel...  “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.”
1 Corinthians 15:14 ESV
I will not deny Christ! I will continue to proclaim His gospel; that is the TRUTH!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Today is a day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice in that very fact and praise Him for all he has done. 

“The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.”
Psalm 118:24 NIV

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Just a simple entry today to ask a question. Do you believe you have been called to something? Please comment as to what that calling is and how it has effected your life.  Thanks!!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

So... You're a Christian?

Yes. I. Am! When given the opportunity to answer that question, I always answer in the affirmative. Then I wonder if they understand what that word really means. I recently read an article about someone who claimed that identification, but I honestly don't think they know who they are identifying with. To say you are a Christian means you are saying you identify with Jesus Christ. If you have seen the movie The Princess Bride, there are scenes in which a particular character keeps using the word inconceivable over and over. I love the response/joke that is given each time... I don't think that word means what you think it means. 
     If there is anyone in history to whom you want to identify with and is quoted as saying; “And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23 ESV
That's saying a lot.
    It's not a sentiment or a feeling, it's a life decision to conform your existence to someone other than yourself. That someone is the creator of the universe; the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end.
  I believe this requires each us us to examine ourselves regularly and continue to surrender our very self to Christ. Regardless of what the culture may tell us or even distort who Jesus is.
  A very popular quote that people love to reference about Christians is this "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." 
Which is attributed to Ghandi. He, like most people in this world only have a very limited understanding of the person of Jesus Christ. I would also venture to say that most make up who Jesus is based on what they have heard from others. I would challenge anyone who is truly interested to read and study the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke & John and be careful to read them in the context from when and where they were written. There are plenty of excellent resources available that can help one to understand the person Jesus Christ; but again, start with the very word of God - The Bible. Begin reading the words of Jesus himself. In doing so, you can see Him for who He is and decide how you might truly answer that simple question. I know I have and would hope you would as well.  Blessings.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Psalm

Praise the Lord! This day I will praise Him. I will walk in His ways. I will seek His face and glory in His presence. Though there are trials today and even tomorrow. I will trust and hope in His ways. God knows the very steps I will take today. He knows the very thoughts I have. In Him I will glory. In Him will I trust. Praise the Lord!!

Monday, July 6, 2015


Today I've reached a new number. It doesn't seem like much, but I'm kind of glad I made it another year. I do realize that at this age you think about how much you have accomplished, but also how far you still need to go. Nothing is guranteed, so I've got to keep getting up and look for what each day has to offer and be mindful that moments do matter. I know that there is so much more to experience. I'm not talking about material things, but the real things that matter and make the difference to those around. I remember setting goals and need to revisit those and see where I am at. I will consider the steps I need to take and begin walking towards the goals that need to be accomplished. Daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly goals. I will begin the first!!!